昌乐县前卫塑料制品有限公司座落于世界风筝都——潍坊西25公里昌乐县南郝工业园内,产品主要有“前卫牌”塑料机械和“前卫牌”PVC钢丝增强软管、纤维增强软管及各种PVC软管。公司以良好的信誉和质量赢得了客户和广阔的市场,产品远销全国各地,并出口亚洲、非洲等20多个和地区。“前卫牌”系列软管质优价廉,规格齐全(Ø4-200mm),并可根据用户需要生产不同规格的产品。塑料机械主要有用于生产PVC钢丝增强软管、纤维增强软管及各种PVC软管的生产线,以及各种型号的塑料挤出机、牵引机、捏合机、粉碎机等,质量可靠性能优越,居同行业先进水平,公司负责设备的安装、调试及技术人员培训工作,具有良好的售后服务。本公司的宗旨是“开拓进取,敢为人先”,全体干部、职工勤于钻研,勇于探索,不断攻克技术难关,始终将的产品奉献给用户。The Qianwei Plastic Products Limited Company of Changle County was located at Nanhao industrial garden, 25KM from the west of Weifang _ the world Kites capital. The products of company have Qianwei Brand of Plastic machinery,PVC steel wire reinforced hose, fibre reinforced hose and various kinds of PVC hose. The company earns its customers and wide market by their prestige and quality. The products sold well everywhere of China and exported to the Asia, Africa etc. over 20countries and areas.Qianwei Brand series hose was high quality and low price, all kinds’ standards. It may produce the different specifications products ording to the needs of customers. The plastic machinery mainly used to productive lines_ to produce the PVC steel wire reinforced hose, fiber reinforced hose and various PVC hose. The plastic machineries had various types plastic press machines, drawing machines, concoctive machines, and grinders etc. Their quality was reliable and function was superior. It is in the most advanced level of the same industry. The company is in charge of the installation with adjustment for equipments and training work for the technical staff. It has good after_ sale service.The aim of our company is “Developing and ing”, “First of All”. The staffs are bold in probes, perfect their skill and surmount technical difficulties constantly. It throughout devoted the first_ class products to customers. 查看全部 »
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